2024 General Membership Meeting

Oct. 19, 2:30 p.m.

Willamette Art Center


Call to order – Sage Dunham, President

Attendance – Identify members present

Secretary’s report – Membership report and review of the 2023 meeting minutes

Treasurer’s report – Financial position of the WAC – Dave McConnell

President’s report – Sage Dunham

Executive Director’s report – Lisa Joyce

Committee reports

  • Budget – Dave McConnell
  • Empty Bowls – Pam Baldwin and Claudia Hill
  • Strategic Planning – Carla Axtman

Election of new board members – Sage Dunham

  • Nominees: Renita Hiebert, Josie Hummert and Christine Lamoureaux
  • Appointment process for vacanices

Bylaws update – Pam Baldwin

Member Questions and Discussion
